• May 17, 2024

Best Fake Plants For Betta Fish – Top 5 Review

If you enjoy looking at and having fish in your home, then it is important to consider how to keep them happy as well. You will want them to live in an environment that is as natural as possible, but you will not want to have unnecessary maintenance to worry about. The answer is fake plants. These are great for Betta fish, and we have assembled some of the best fake plants to consider buying for your own aquarium.

5 Best Fake Plants for Betta Fish

If you are looking for some great plants for your fish to enjoy in the aquarium without worrying about all the algae that comes with it, the following items are what you should be considering. While there are many fake plants available on the market for betta fish, not all of them will make them happy. The following five are your best bet.

Dong Huang 36pcs Mini Fake Duckweed

With the Dong Huang Mini Fake Duckweed, you get 36 pieces of plant lift that you can place throughout the fish tank. This creates just the type of natural aquatic environment that your betta fish will love. The pieces are made of plastic, but they are designed to be durable and long-lasting. They are also safe for your fish and are meant to be environmentally friendly.

Comsun 10 Pack Artificial Aquarium Plants

The Comsun 10 Pack of Artificial Aquarium Plants comes in a variety of colors. This will really add a creative look to your fish tank, and it will make your betta fish happy at the same time. There will be plenty of green that will create a bright tropical look to the tank, while the plants themselves are very low maintenance and designed to last underwater for quite some time.

Nothers 10 Premium Fish Tank Accessories

With the Nothers 10 Premium Fish Tank Accessories pack, you will get a series of plants that are of different sizes and shapes. This creates a natural look and feel to your fish tank that your betta fish will love. Each of the plants included has leaves that look so natural you will have a hard time forgetting that they are fake. These plants do not need any light either, which is an added bonus.

CNZ Purple/Green Aquarium Plastic Artificial Plants

The CNZ Purple/Green Aquarium Plastic Artificial Plants are ornaments that sit underwater and appear life like. This set will come in a variety of vibrant colors to make your tank come alive during the day and at night. The plants are made of plastic while the base is crafted entirely of ceramic. All materials are completely non-tox and safe for your fish.

Green Plastic Aquarium Tank Plants

When you order these Green Plastic Aquarium Tank Plants, your betta fish will get the feeling that they are deep in a natural body of water. They are fake, but they are made of a plastic that is soft and safe for fish. You can put these in both freshwater and saltwater fish tanks, as the material is non-toxic and will not adversely impact the water supply at all.

Do Bettas Like Fake Plants?

Bettas do like fake plants, but you want to make sure you buy plants that will not harm your fish. While silk is the best thanks to its soft material, plastic is fine as well if it does not contain ragged edges. Buying fake plants will save you a great deal of time and maintenance when compared to living plants.

Are Fake Plants Good for Fish Tanks?

Fake plants are quite good for fish tanks because there is no expectation for light. In addition, many fish will try to eat live plants in a tank, creating an unending cycle that most aquarium owners simply do not have the time or patience to deal with.

Do Bettas Need a Bubbler?

One of the many reasons why bettas are such great fish to own is that they do need a bubbler or air pump. Bettas get their air at the surface of the water, which should be plenty oxygenated if you regularly take care of your fish tank.


Now that you are more aware of the many types of fake plants available for your Betta fish, you can make a more informed purchasing decision. These best plants are safe for your fish and offer a low maintenance alternative to bring some plant life to your aquarium. Have some fun and buy the right mix of plants for your fish tank, and you are almost certain to enjoy the results.